How to Prevent Cavities Naturally with Coconut Oil

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Coconut Oil Is Now Called a "Miracle" Dental Bacteria Killer

Tooth decay ( dental cavities)  is the destruction of the outer surface of a tooth which is caused by bacteria that live in plaque. Plaque is  the sticky substance that forms on teeth. However, you can prevent cavities using natural remedies. The Athlone Institute of Technology in Ireland has conducted research which has proven that coconut oil  (get it here) can destroy the bacteria that causes tooth decay and improve your dental health.

How does  coconut oil prevent cavities naturally?

It does so by crushing a yeast known as candida albicans which enables dental diseases. This yeast is contributed to a diet consisting of processed foods and sugar.  Candida infection can lead to digestive issues as well. The scientists looked closer at the effects of natural and digested coconut oil on common strains of bacteria within the mouth, including S. mutans, a major culprit associated with tooth decay. In their report, the researchers state that enzyme-modified coconut oil could be ‘an effective alternative to chemical additives’ in most dental health care  products.

The leading researcher, Dr Damien Brady,  said, “Dental bacteria is a commonly overlooked health problem affecting 60-90% of children and the majority of adults in industrialized countries. Incorporating enzyme-modified coconut oil into dental hygiene products would be an attractive alternative to chemical additives, particularly as it works at relatively low concentrations. Also, with increasing antibiotic resistance, it is important that we turn our attention to new ways to combat microbial infection.”

Coconut oil helps absorb calcium by the body which it turn makes your teeth stronger.

Coconut oil is also great for your gums health and even teeth whitening. This is due to the fact that coconut oil absorbs heavy metals in the body.

What you can do to prevent cavities naturally using coconut oil

You can take a spoon of oil and apply it around in your mouth for about 15-20 minutes. Spit it out and brush your teeth after.  By doing this couple of times a week, your teeth will get whiter. This process is known as oil pulling.

Thus,  multiple studies have proven that coconut oil intake can help you prevent cavities and be a healthy solution without any potential side effects.

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